While most injury claims are the result of negligence (failing to take reasonable care to avoid an accident), sometimes a person is injured because of the intentional acts of another. When a person threatens to inflict harm on another an assault has happened, and when intentional unwanted touching occurs, the victim of that touching has been battered. The injuries that may be sustained from assault and battery can be significant either as a stand-alone event or as part of a pattern of physical abuse, psychological abuse or sexual abuse.

Assault and battery occurs under a wide range of circumstances – from instances of road rage and between patrons of a night club or neighbours to domestic violence and elder abuse. Sometimes a person is hesitant to speak up about what has happened out of fear or shame even when they are left with injuries from the deliberate acts of another. This is far too common when the victim is well known to the person who has been injured.
The lawyers at League and Williams are compassionate and care about helping those who have been injured to recover from their injuries as best as possible while holding those responsible for those injuries accountable for the consequences. We will listen and are able to advise on the legal avenues available to those who have been deliberately hurt by another. We advocate for the compensation that injury victims are entitled to including compensation for pain and suffering, wage loss, cost of future care and reimbursement for out of pocket expenses.
If you have been deliberately hurt by another, call for a free consultation. We are here to help you recover and to stand up for the compensation you are entitled to.