Consumers have a right to know the risks associated with the products they use, when they are used as intended and to be protected from injuries caused by defective products. Those who are injured because of defective products may be entitled to compensation for the injuries that have been sustained, and may be able to make a product liability claim to hold manufacturers and retailers responsible for the damage caused.
Manufacturers of products used by consumers have a duty to ensure that the goods and services that they sell are safe to be used as intended and to adequately warn consumers of the risks known to be associated with use of the product. Manufacturers who fail to produce safe products or to adequately warn their customers about known risks can and should be held responsible and accountable. This is particularly the case when the manufacturer knew or should have known the potential for harm, but failed to act to protect their customers by issuing a recall to address the problems with their products. Consumers can also inform themselves about current product recalls by visiting the Health Canada website.
Product liability laws protect consumers from harm by ensuring that those unnecessarily injured by defective products can make an injury claim and be compensated for their injuries.
The injury lawyers at League and Williams have experience with product liability claims and effectively present product liability cases to ensure our clients recover to their fullest potential. If you or someone you care about has been injured by a defective product, call 250-888-0002 or email us and we will provide a free consultation. Our team is here to help you recover as best as possible.