If you slip and fall or trip and fall, can you make an injury claim in BC?
It depends. It is the responsibility of owners and occupiers in British Columbia to keep their properties reasonably safe for the ordinary use of those who are in the building or on the grounds. If a person suffers an injury that was the result of a neglect to take reasonable steps to keep the premises safe, the injured person may hold the property owner or occupier responsible for the injury sustained under the Occupiers Liability Act. However, the law does not require that property owners and occupiers act to a perfect standard, rather, that they act in a reasonable way.

Having represented many victims of slip and fall or trip and fall accidents caused by unsafe premises – from falls in retail stores to improperly maintained handrails, the lawyers at League and Williams are acutely aware of what is needed to make a successful injury claim in these cases. Our lawyers know what needs to be demonstrated and how to present these claims to recover fair compensation.
Further, our lawyers understand and care about how being injured impacts our clients’ lives. When the victim is elderly they may face a loss of their capacity to live independently, sometimes a person who is injured cannot continue in their chosen occupation and must retrain, and if the victim is a child, their injuries may impact upon their development and can interfere with their education and future opportunities. We work with our clients to ensure that they have access to the treatments they need to minimize the impact of their injuries and to get on with their lives.
We effectively demonstrate the losses that have been suffered while helping our clients recover from their injuries – giving our clients the best opportunity to recover the compensation they deserve. League and Williams has successfully presented injury loss claims against property management firms, occupiers, owners or others whose negligence played a role in creating conditions that caused injury.
If you or a family member has been injured in a slip and fall or trip and fall accident that was caused by the failure of another to ensure premises were reasonably safe – talk to one of our lawyers for a free consultation. Contact us – either by phone or email, our team is here to help you recover as best as possible.